As the leaves change and the temperature drops, cozying up by a warm fireplace becomes one of the joys and potential hazards of the autumn season.

Before lighting your first fire of the year, it’s essential to ensure your chimney is ready.

Why Chimney Maintenance Matters

Over time and frequent usage, chimneys accumulate soot, debris, and creosote—a byproduct of burning wood that clings to the interior walls of the chimney. Left unattended, this buildup becomes a serious fire hazard. Not only is creosote highly flammable, the smallest spark can ignite it, making regular chimney maintenance not only good practice but essential for safe usage of the home fireplace.

Regular chimney inspections and cleanings not only protect your home from this risk but also ensure proper ventilation, and reduce the likelihood of dangerous carbon monoxide buildup.

Prepare Your Chimney for Fall

1. Schedule a Professional Inspection: Before you light that first fire of the season, have a certified chimney sweep inspect your chimney. A professional will check for blockages, cracks, or creosote buildup and perform a thorough cleaning.

2. Check the Chimney Cap: A chimney cap is an essential piece of equipment that prevents debris, animals, and rain from entering the flue. Make sure it’s intact and free from damage.

3. Look for Exterior Damage: Every season it is important for the home owner to inspect the exterior of the home. During this seasonal inspection, visually scan your chimney for visible cracks or crumbling mortar.

4. Test the Damper: Controlling airflow in and out of the chimney is vital for maintaining a consistent fire. For this reason, test the damper and ensure it opens and closes smoothly, and that there are no obstructions. As well, a properly functioning damper keeps cold air from entering your home when the fireplace isn’t in use.

5. Clear the Area Around Your Fireplace: If clutter or your living area have encroached into the hearth area be sure to clear it before lighting the first fire of the season. No flammable materials like furniture, curtains, or rugs should be close to the hearth.

As autumn approaches, taking the time to prepare your chimney ensures a safe and enjoyable season by the fire. Regular inspections, repairs, and upkeep can prevent hazards and keep your home in top condition for years to come. Whether you’re staying cozy or getting ready to sell, a clean, functional chimney is a worthwhile investment.

Ready to buy a home? One of the most crucial steps in the home buying process is getting pre-approved for a mortgage.

Why Pre-Approval?

Not only does pre-approval give you a clear understanding of your budget, but it also positions you as a serious and credible buyer in the eyes of sellers and real estate agents.

Let’s explore the key benefits of being pre-approved for a mortgage and why it’s essential for a successful home buying experience.

1. Know Your Budget and Save Time

One of the primary advantages of mortgage pre-approval is that it helps you determine exactly how much you can afford.

During the pre-approval process, your lender will evaluate your financial situation, including your income, credit score, debts, and savings. Based on this information, they’ll provide you with an estimated loan amount that you as Buyer qualify for.

This clarity allows you and your real estate agent to focus your home search on properties within your price range and on homes that are realistic options, making the search more efficient and less stressful.

By knowing your budget upfront, you avoid the disappointment of falling in love with a home that’s out of your financial reach.

2. Increase Your Bargaining Power

In a competitive housing market, pre-approval can give you a significant edge over other buyers. Sellers and real estate agents view pre-approved buyers as serious and financially capable, which can be a deciding factor in a bidding war. When a seller receives multiple offers, they’re more likely to choose the one backed by a pre-approved buyer, as it reduces the risk of the deal falling through due to financing issues.

Additionally, pre-approval can provide you with leverage during negotiations. If a seller knows you’re pre-approved, they may be more willing to negotiate on the price or other terms of the sale, knowing that you’re ready to move forward quickly.

3. Streamline the Closing Process & Lock in the Mortgage Rate

Once you’ve found the right home, being pre-approved can help expedite the closing process. Since your lender has already reviewed your financial information during pre-approval, the final approval process tends to be faster and smoother. This can be especially beneficial if you’re in a time-sensitive situation or if the seller is eager to close the deal quickly.

Moreover, having a pre-approval in hand can help you lock in a mortgage rate. Interest rates can fluctuate, and securing a rate early in the process can protect you from potential increases. This can save you money over the life of your loan!

4. Identify and Address Potential Issues Early

The pre-approval process can also help you identify any potential obstacles in your financial situation before you start house hunting. For example, if your credit score is lower than expected or if you have a higher debt-to-income ratio, these issues will come to light during pre-approval. This gives you the opportunity to address and improve these factors, increasing your chances of securing a better mortgage rate and terms later on.

Before you start looking for a home, take the time to get pre-approved—it’s a decision that can pay off in more ways than one. Ready to Move With Purpose? Contact Leonetti Group today, we can’t wait to say “Welcome Home!”

Is your home energy efficient?

Making your home more energy-efficient is not only good for the environment but can also save you money on utility bills. Here are five ways to enhance energy efficiency in your home that also have excellent return on investment (ROI):Insulation: Proper insulation in walls, attics, and floors helps maintain a consistent indoor temperature. To ensure your insulation is operating to maximum efficiency, check for gaps and seal any leaks with weatherstripping or caulk.

  1. Upgrade HVAC System: Not only will you get over 100% return on your investment, upgrading your HVAC to a more energy-efficient model is a great step towards an energy efficient home. 
  2. Use Energy-Efficient Water Heaters: Consider tankless water heaters or solar water heating systems, another energy efficient improvement with a 100% ROI. These tankless systems provide hot water on demand and are more energy-efficient than traditional tank water heaters.
  3. An energy efficient upgrade that can be done in one afternoon: Switch to LED Lighting. LED bulbs use up to 75% less energy and last significantly longer than incandescent bulbs making them an easy and cost-effective way to reduce energy consumption. Proper lighting also compliments Real Estate Photography and Buyer walk-throughs on a home.
  4. Landscaping: Planting trees and shrubs strategically around your home can provide natural shade and windbreaks, reducing the need for air conditioning and heating. As well, dollar for dollar, money spent on landscaping also has a 100% ROI.

By implementing these strategies, you can create a more energy-efficient home that is comfortable, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective. Ready to Move With Purpose? Contact Leonetti Group Today!

Dreaming of owning a home but unable to save for a down payment? You’re not alone. Many potential home buyers face this challenge, but the good news is that you can still achieve your homeownership dreams even without substantial savings!

Step One: Understand Down Payment Options

Here are some loan options that require lower to no down payments:

FHA Loans: Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans require as little as 3.5% down, making them a popular choice for eligible first-time buyers.

VA Loans: If you’re a veteran or active military member, you might qualify for a Veterans Affairs (VA) loan, which offers 0% down payment options.

USDA Loans: The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) offers loans for eligible rural and suburban home buyers with 0% down.

Step Two: Explore Down Payment Assistance Programs

Many state and local governments offer down payment assistance programs. Here in North Carolina we have the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency (NCHFA) offering $15,000 down payment assistance–the NC 1st Home Advantage Down Payment–for eligible fire-time buyers and military veterans. There may be more programs in your local municipality. Here’s how to find and take advantage of them:

Research Local Programs: Determine what programs near you provide loans, grants and other assistance for closing costs and down payments.

Eligibility Criteria: Check the eligibility requirements, specifically income limits, property location, and home buyer education courses.

Combine Resources: Sometimes, you can combine or “stack” multiple assistance programs to cover more of your costs!

When you work with Leonetti Group, we provide our clients with a Support Network of resources that include lenders, as well as recommended local programs through organizations like Mountain Housing Opportunities and OnTrack Financial Counseling who are integral to helping locals in Western North Carolina become homeowners!

Ready to start your home-buying journey? Contact Leonetti Group today to speak with Jessi or Luiz, who will work with you to navigate your unique path to homeownership. Move With Purpose!

Getting your home ready for professional real estate photos is a lot like getting your home ready for showings with potential Buyers–because for some Buyers a ‘virtual’ showing through photography may be enough to entice an offer or at least serious consideration. Real Estate photos are also used on the MLS and social media to generate interest in your property and it’s vital that your digital first impression is a good one!

  1. Declutter: Excessive clutter can be distracting in photos. Removing clutter like paperwork, mail, tools, knick-knacks, books, clothes, and other personal items to create a more spacious feeling within the interior environment, allowing the strengths of your interior design to really come through in each shot..
  2. Deep Clean: Home interiors should be spotless before photography begins! A clean home not only photographs well, it communicates that the space is well maintained, and once again creates a neutral atmosphere. If a photography session is imminent consider moving cat boxes out of camera view as well as trash and recycling bins.
  3. Depersonalize: Consider minimizing personal items like family photos and other memorabilia that could distract from the overall neutral feel of the home in the photographs. The more opportunity you create for a potential Buyer to envision themselves living in your home the better!
  4. Time to Upgrade Your Lighting: Before your photographer arrives, be sure to open curtains and blinds to let in natural light. Check that all bulbs within the home are working, and if some seem dim or old replace them with brighter ones. Lighting can often be used to showcase and highlight the best features of your listing!
  5. Small Touches Have a Big Impact: Add small touches like fresh flowers in vases for a pop of color, neatly folded towels in bathrooms for a homey feel, or a bowl of fruit in the kitchen for a natural aesthetic.
  6. Timing: In Real Estate timing is everything! Consider what time of day your interior shots will be the most bright and inviting with natural light. Leonetti Group suggests mid-morning to early afternoon, but this can vary depending on the orientation and lighting conditions of your home.
  7. Exterior Spaces: Tidy up outdoor areas such as balconies, decks, and patios. Arrange outdoor furniture neatly and consider adding throw pillows, a seasonal wreath or other outdoor accessories to create a welcoming atmosphere.

Have more questions about Real Estate photography and listing your home? The Leonetti Group is here to help. Contact Jessi or Luiz today to discuss how you can Move With Purpose!

A: Yes! DIY Staging is not only possible, it is a great idea if you are not hiring a professional home stager when you list.

The purpose of home staging is to create an environment that allows potential Buyers to envision themselves living there. What does this mean for your listing? A properly staged home highlights the best features of a particular property, and increases curb appeal. Staging can be done professionally, and Leonetti Group is happy to recommend one when you work with us–or you can do it yourself! For DIY home staging, there are few key points to keep in mind. 

  1. Declutter: Excessive clutter can be distracting to potential Buyers. Removing clutter like paperwork, mail, tools, knick-knacks, books, clothes, and other household objects from surfaces like countertops, shelves, and open-face cabinets creates a more spacious feeling within the interior environment, allowing potential Buyers to more easily envision themselves living in the home. The more minimal the clutter, the more open and neutral the space will feel.
  2. Deep Clean: Home interiors should be spotless when staging! Don’t forget details like window wells and sills, baseboards, even light fixtures should get some extra attention before showing to potential Buyers. A clean home communicates that the home is well maintained, and once again creates a neutral atmosphere that allows Buyers to envision themselves living in the space. If a home showing is imminent consider moving cat boxes to an exterior location like the garage to keep distracting smells to a minimum, and taking out all garbage and recycling from indoor trash cans.
  3. Depersonalize: Consider minimizing personal items like family photos, clutter on the refrigerator door, memorabilia as well as other niche or quirky items that could distract from the overall neutral feel of the home. The more opportunity you create for a potential Buyer to envision themselves living in your home the better.
  4. Maximum Lighting: Before an imminent showing, be sure to open curtains and blinds to let in natural light. Before listing be sure to check that all bulbs within the home are working, and if some seem dim or old replace them with brighter ones. Adding inexpensive lighting features to existing rooms, or darker areas of the home helps create a warm and inviting atmosphere as well. Lighting can often be used to showcase and highlight (literally) the best features of your listing!

Have more questions about home staging, real estate, and home buying? The Leonetti Group is here to help. Contact Jessi or Luiz today to discuss how you can Move With Purpose!

First impressions matter, which is why curb appeal is so important when you list! Potential Buyers will see the outside of your property first. As well, marketing material like real estate photography usually features exterior shots first in any online photo carousel or social media post. With all these facts combined, it’s easy to see how curb appeal plays a crucial role in the real estate transaction process. Check out Leonetti Group’s Top 3 Aspects of Curb Appeal below!

  1. Landscaping: What can we say? The plants have it, and well-maintained landscaping not only enhances the overall appearance of the exterior of your home, it also usually yields a dollar for dollar return on your investment. Landscaping includes keeping the lawn mowed, trimming hedges and trees. A fresh layer of mulch or planting a few vibrant blooming flowers to create visual interest never hurts either!
  2. Exterior Maintenance: The exterior condition of your home is always important to maintain, and when you list your property this becomes even more paramount. This type of maintenance includes power washing the porch or siding, gutter and window cleaning, as well as checking for any visible blemishes to the exterior of the home. 
  3. Entryway and Porch: The entryway is the first threshold a potential Buyer will walk through when visiting your home. It is also the focal point of the home’s exterior. Making sure this area is clean of debris and clutter. A fresh coat of paint, updated light fixture or house numbers–even a fresh pot of blooming flowers can make a BIG difference. 

Have more questions about curb appeal when listing your home? Leonetti Group is here to help. Contact Jessi or Luiz today to discuss how you can Move With Purpose!

A: Upgrades the Buyer Can See!

Have a list of long-ignored home improvement items? Completing those before listing your property can save you stress, money, and more work in the long run. While not every project will see a 100% return on investment (or ROI) , updating and freshening up the interior and exterior of your home will increase the chances of it selling quickly and for asking price.

Kitchen Refresh

On average, one of the best ROI for home improvements is a kitchen refresh. Notice we said refresh NOT renovation.

Full renovations often have a lower ROI versus a refresh which is basically a “glow-up” that mainly deals with the aesthetics of the kitchen such as painting existing cabinet doors, the walls, or installing new sink fixtures. Kitchens are a focal point for a residential listing, small cosmetic updates can have BIG returns!

Bathroom Refresh

If a bathroom looks dated and worn, this is an eyesore to potential Buyers. A quick bathroom refresh is an easy fix to this problem! Fresh paint, updated lighting, a new vanity or bathroom hardware are just a few examples of ways to update this small but oh-so-important space in your home.

Curb Appeal Boost with Fresh Landscaping

First impressions matter and that is why any money spent on landscaping can often get a dollar for dollar return! A Buyer’s first impression of your house can make or break a sale. Fresh landscaping could mean weeding, trimming, planting perennials or adding a new layer of mulch on existing beds.

HVAC Electrification

Changing a traditional gas or oil furnace to an electric heat pump or replacing your multi-gallon hot water heater over to a tankless version has an over 100% ROI! Not glamorous but definitely worth it.

Replace Carpeting with Hardwood Floor or Luxury Vinyl Plank

Dirty, damaged, stained carpet is a potential turn off to prospective Buyers. Replacing carpet before listing is an obvious fix, however considering the current trends in interior design is worth a thought. Here at Leonetti Group we can say from experience most Buyers prefer hardwood over carpet!

Another less expensive option for fresh flooring would be LVP or Luxury Vinyl Plank. LVP can provide the look of hardwood but with less maintenance and less costs to install.

Garage Door Replacement

Replacing your garage door boosts curb appeal, and as we mentioned first impressions matter. Don’t underestimate the value of replacing your old garage doors!

If You’re Thinking of Listing Your Home…

Have more questions on listing your home? Leonetti Group is here to help! Contact Jessi or Luiz today to discuss how we can help you Move With Purpose!